Hi There! Welcome to Planned Resilience (a.k.a., PR). I am still building this website, so please bear with me.
I believe this is the third iteration of PR. I believe you can find some of the older iterations on the web archive (a.k.a. the Wayback Machine). Unfortunately, most of that data is lost. But hey, that means that I can post new, up to date information on what is important to me, living resiliently in this really difficult world.
In the coming weeks, I will teach you what I know about living resiliently, and discuss my experiences. I hope you will ask questions and tell me about your experiences.
Gardening for food is an important activity if you want to be resilient. I currently rent my home, so I cannot dig a permanent garden. So, I am making do with an above ground garden using 25- gallon garden bags (affiliate link). I put cardboard down, to block weeds. Then I put my garden bags on top, and planted by garden.
In this first photo, you can see that I have dahlias and nasturtiums growing. I have three bags of dahlias, each with two root devisions. I love dahlias. They are one of my favorite flowers. I added nasturtiums throughout my garden, because you can eat them, because they are good for pollinators, and just because I like them. A squirrel munched one of my dahlias, but it is rapidly making a comeback.

I am also growing kale. I need to start picking it, as it is just starting to get big. It is terrific in salads when it is small. When it is larger, I prefer it cooked or in smoothies.

Finally, I began picking my chicory today. This is an Italian chicory from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds known as Italiko Russo Dandelion.

What are you growing in your garden?